Why Does The Wedding Flowers Melbourne Flower Girls Throw Petals?

Wedding flowers Melbourne flower girls are a cute addition to a wedding ceremony or reception. Even if kids are not your thing, it is hard to deny the cuteness that comes with a little kid all dolled up in tulle throwing handfuls of petals down the ceremony aisle. Usually, the youngest member of the wedding party, the flower girl typically goes before the bride down the aisle. The tradition began in ancient Rome when the flower girl carried wheat & herbs for the couple.

Flower girls are not a necessity for your special day, and we will go into other options later, but if you decide to incorporate the tradition into the wedding, there might be some questions that arise. Like, who should get the job of being the flower girl? What should they wear? And how old should they be? Keep reading on to get answers to these questions & more ahead.

The wedding tradition of the flower girl is symbolic. The young girl is usually in a beautiful white dress, represents purity. She walks down the aisle way in front of the bride, throwing handfuls of flower petals, which symbolize fertility. The petals are usually red roses. Red is a vibrant colour which represents deep passion & love. Symbolically, the flower girl represents the forfeiting of purity to passion, love & fertility.

This tradition initially began in Ancient Rome. During that time, most marriages were arranged & the main purpose of the marriage was to have kids to carry on the family name. Therefore, fertility was a worry for the newlyweds. Back in those times, only youth would attend to the bride so that a young female would walk down the red carpet aisle before the bride carrying wheat & herbs. The wheat & herbs were scattered on the aisle to bless the couple with fertility & prosperity and also to keep away the evil spirits. Over time, the wheat & herbs were replaced with flower petals. Here is why brides originally had bouquets during their wedding.

There is a good chance that your flower girl is just as thrilled as you are about her role in the wedding. In addition to deciding what she’ll wear-will she don white or dress in the same colour as your bridesmaids?-you will want to give some significant thought to her walk down the aisle. Traditionally, the flower girl enters the wedding ceremony just before the bride & tosses flower petals from a basket, but today’s modern couples are opting for more unique alternatives. If you would rather save the stunning blooms for your centrepieces or your own bouquet, here are a few fun, out-of-the-box items for your flower girl to toss (or hold) down the aisle.

The main point of having a little girl walk down the aisle 1st, though, has always been to represent a transformation of the bride from a kid to an adult. That is why they have white dresses too so that they can look like a smaller version of the bride. As a flower girl walks down the aisle, she symbolizes the innocence of the bride fading away & her role as a wife & future mum.

So, even though a flower girl plays a small role in the wedding, she means heaps to the bride. And, how can you not love a cute little girl in a beautiful dress & little white shoes bouncing down the aisle? 

Time Frame

In the wedding ceremony, the flower girl always walks before the bride. She represents the young & pure girl who adds sweetness & joy to the wedding ceremony. She tosses out the petals, which symbolize the transition of the bride into a loving & passionate wife. Originally, the petals might have also been used to ward off bad spirits, so the flower girl walking before the bride would protect her on her wedding day.

Wedding Flowers Melbourne Flower Girls History

The history of the wedding flowers Melbourne flower girls goes back to Greek & Roman times. During these times, girls did not scatter flowers, but grain & herbs to represent fertility. Even in the middle ages, young ladies would walk in front of the bride, carrying handfuls of grain. The tradition of flower baskets came about in the Victorian Era—little girls in white, carrying baskets of flower petals & flower-covered hoops, which represented eternal love.

Upper-class Greeks & Romans often included little girls in the wedding procession who walked ahead of the bride, “showering her path with grains & herbs,” which of course represented the collective hope that this lady could also make little humans just like the ones tossing oatmeal, lest she is doomed to the life of Barren Dread.

The interpretation of this traditional tradition got a little looser & a little weirder around the time of the Elizabethan era when the inclusion of children in the wedding party itself was more of a reflection of how the idealized culture childhood, seeing kids as “symbols of hope & innocence.” Since the wedding flowers Melbourne flower girl walks down the aisle before the bride, she is meant to symbolize a younger, more innocent type of the bride & the transformation from child to adult.

Wedding Flowers Melbourne Flower Girls Different Cultures

No matter the culture, the role of the flower girl, is about the same. However, there are some variations. In Central America, the flower girl may dress like the other attendants, carry flowers and dance down the aisle with them. In Germany, no other attendants exist except the flower girl and her flowers.

The Petals Wedding Flowers Melbourne Flower Girls

Brides sometimes choose colours other than red for the petals. Pink is the next popular colour, and it symbolizes sweetness. Orange might also be another appropriate colour, and it means warmth & vitality. Violet means serious feelings & is often reserved for meeting the mother of the bride. Blue means hope and confidence, and the green represents youth & happiness Colors that are really not appropriate for a wedding ceremony are white (for purity), yellow (which often represents jealousy) & black (for death).

Changing Times

As the world changes, so do ceremony wedding customs & traditions. Some brides choose to put the flower girls in coloured frocks. Some may even be dressed the same as the bride; this is popular with mothers whose daughters are their flower girls, making the occasion special for the little lady as well as her mother. Instead of dropping flower petals, many flower girls blow bubbles going down the aisle. Others throw confetti or carry teddy bears.

How Old Should They Be?

Usually, they range from three to nine years old. You can, of course, go with someone younger. As long as you are confident in their ability to get down the aisle, it is really up to you.

Can I Have More Than One?

If you have a large family or a bunch of nieces, it might be a smart idea to include everyone to avoid anyone getting left out.

What Should They Wear?

Traditionally, a flower girl’s dress is similar to the bride’s dress. But you can also have the dressing mirror that of the bridesmaids, whether that’s incorporating a similar print or the same colour. 

Who Should Pay For The Dress?

Typically, their parents are supposed to pay for the outfit. If what you are envisioning is a bit pricey though, you might consider covering the cost.

What Is The Wedding Flowers Melbourne Flower Girl Responsible For Exactly?

“Their main task is to charm the pants off all the family and friends, leaving them smiling from ear to ear. Some are very shy & walk timidly down the aisle while other flower girls take their job seriously; meticulously placing every petal in the ‘perfect’ spot for the bride.” Mostly, they are there to set a cute tone for the bride to walk down the aisle.

Do They Have To Toss Flowers?

No, they can carry everything from colourful balloons to pinwheels or a bottle of bubbles to blow as they walk down the aisle. The possibilities are endless.

How Will They Process?

If the wedding flowers Melbourne flower girl is old enough to go on her own, she should proceed down the aisle after the wedding party & before the bride. If they are too young to walk or tend to be a little fussy or shy, involving their mum or dad to help carry or hold their hand is also a common option. 

Do I Also Have To Invite Them At My Wedding Reception?

Not if you do not want to. If you are having a no-children-allowed wedding, tell the flower girl’s parents in advance & help to arrange an Event Nanny to look after them as the party happens.

Should I Give Them A Thank-You Present?

It is a nice idea, especially if you are getting the rest of your bridal party something. It does not have to spend much, a doll or a personalized gift box is just some ideas.

Wedding Flowers Melbourne Flower Girl Alternatives

You can decide to not have flower girls, or you can be creative by giving the job to a friend or family person that is not already involved with the bridal party. You can even give this job to a pet who is trained & able to follow the cue of when to walk down the ceremony aisle.

Some couples are inviting their grandparents to walk down the ceremony aisle instead. The idea behind this is that you are able to incorporate them into your big day & honour them in some way. The act became somewhat of a hit last year & has made the concept of “flower grandmas” a popular thing to do. If you still would like the little ones to be a part of your wedding day, but you are not into the origins of the flower girl tradition, you can also have them be greeters at the ceremony, waving to guests as they arrive to set a fun, relaxed mood. Or, if they are older & capable enough, recruit them to be the ushers who are typically responsible for handing out programs & showing guests to their respective sides.

While the big entrance will be the most memorable, you can count on your flower girl’s walk down the ceremony aisle to be the most adorable. These pint-sized small cuties know how to steal the show & ensure the grandmothers’ cameras are out in time for your arrival. 

But being a flower girl is not an easy task. First, you have to do this task in front of a whole lot of family and friends, some that you know & others that are total strangers. Completely intimidating. And then you will have to walk down that big aisle while throwing rose petals or flinging confetti. Fun, but a lot of responsibility. And during this whole time, you are pretty sure that you are supposed to be smiling. This is really impossible.

So how can you make the Melbourne flowers girl’s task just a little easier? Make sure your little girl is dressed in something really comfortable that she can move in & will not irritate her skin (unlike your bridesmaids, the flower girl is sure to let family and friends know if her dress is annoying her). The most important thing to do is to have her carry something age-appropriate.

Preschool-aged flower girls may not be able to manage a basket or small bouquet easily, so just give her a stem or two. Also very popular for junior flower girls are flower balls with a ribbon that they can either hang on to, or that will hang from their wrist.

Flower girls that are kindergarten-aged & older have the necessary coordination to hold a small bouquet. They will love having something to carry, just like the older girls!

Remember to make sure that any stems are clear of thorns or sharp leaves that might injure their hands. Halfway down the aisle is a really bad time to need first aid.

Older Melbourne flowers girls also may like the traditional option of having a basket of flower petals. Especially if they are divas-in-training who are never more comfortable than when they are performing, these little ladies will love skipping along & tossing petals in their wake.

Let the flower girl practice with her basket at home, and do not hinder the process with gloves or accessories of some sort that might get in the way. Melbourne flowers floral crowns are very beautiful on flower girls of all ages plus you do not have to stress about a laborious braid or updo getting wrecked before showtime. If you are planning to have a group of flower girls, put crowns on every single one of them. Let the older girls walk with an extra bouquet or basket & toddlers walk beside them.

As an added bonus, flower crowns pretty much turn any lady into a fairy princess, so make sure that the photographer has time to capture these special moments. You can give the photos to their mums as a thank you gift.

Don’t want flowers? You can have the flower girls carry anything (or nothing) down the aisle. Balloons are festive, fun & light. And what kid doesn’t love a balloon?

Many brides choose they want to have the flower girl in their wedding ceremony, usually to include a younger member of the family, or to have a pretty sprinkling of flower petals down the aisle. But the flower girl is significant. Her purpose is to guide the bride forward & symbolize the innocence fading away & her role as a mother & wife coming forward.

The tradition started in Ancient Rome, where the flower girl serviced the couple by carrying wheat & herbs. This was to bless them with prosperity & fertility. Throughout Western Europe, the only people who see to the bride were those of youth. So all of the people in the wedding party were kids. Finally & the most notable of “flower girl visions” is the Victorian flower girl: a young, little lady dressed in white carrying a basket full of rose petals.

Today brides still use flower girls in the wedding & a lot of the time they prefer to pick a Melbourne flowers girl that will mirror the image. Sometimes the flower girl will wear a small version of the bride’s gown, though most of the time she will wear a dress similar to that of the other bridesmaids, whether it be in colour, style or both. She is to symbolize innocence, beauty & even good luck.

Kim from Wandin Florist & Gifts is your go to specialist when it comes to wedding flowers Yarra Valley and flower girl flowers. They get fresh flowers in every day and will ensure that your wedding is exactly how you imagine it to be.

For wedding flowers Melbourne Wandin Florist & Gifts Visit the link

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wedding flowers melbourne flower girls